Law & Economics Society

The Law & Economics society is dedicated to bridging the gap between two major disciplines in our society: law and economics. With the rise of platforms and big tech companies such as Facebook and Google, the combination of these disciplines is more relevant than ever. Connected to the Master's program Law & Economics of Utrecht University, we aim to organise relevant activities for anyone interested in competition and market regulation. Of course, interested bachelor students are also welcome!

De Law & Economics society zet zich in om een brug te slaan tussen twee belangrijke disciplines in onze samenleving: recht en economie. Door de opkomst van platforms en grote (tech) bedrijven zoals Facebook en Google, is de combinatie van deze disciplines relevanter dan ooit. We zijn gekoppeld aan de masteropleiding Law & Economics van de Universiteit Utrecht en organiseren relevante activiteiten voor iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in vraagstukken over mededinging en marktregulering. Uiteraard zijn ook geïnteresseerde bachelorstudenten van harte welkom! 

The tasks of the committee functions are preferably distributed as follows:

Representing the LES to the outside, ensuring continuity and strategy of the LES, chairing the LES meetings, maintaining contact with the JSVU and the University on a regular basis, external affairs, maintaining contact with the External Affairs Commissioner of the JSVU regarding the fixed activities included in the sponsorship, maintaining contact with external parties (except the University and other student associations);

Secretary & Treasurer
Assist the President in the exercise of his / her duties, replace the President in his or her absence, monitoring of internal affairs, documenting internal and external meetings, sending this report to the board of the JSVU, keep track of memberships, maintaining contact with members, sending out members email, manage notification for activities, drawing up the list of participants for the activities;
Development and maintenance of the balance sheet and income and expenditure overview, ensuring the administration of the financial reporting and invoices to the JSVU, maintaining contact with the Treasurer of the JSVU.
Maintaining close ties with the MSc-students and Utrecht School of Economics.

Promotions Commissioner
Increasing awareness of the LES, promote the activities of the LES, assist with program-related promotional activities.

The current board consists of the following board members:
Chair: Jacques Fooy
Secretary/Treasurer: Lauren Murray
External Affairs/Promotions Commissioner: Ruby Dallyn

In september it is possible to send your application for the board of the Law & Economics Society to

SDUYoung Talent GroupWijn & StaelVan Doorne